Friday, December 7, 2007

Rare Rude Brothers Video Found!!!

From the archives, some rare live footage of The Rude Brothers was found performing "Jump". Check it out.

A Chonology of the past 40 years......with pictures

December 8, 1967 – A day that will live in Infamy.
Well not really, Micah’s birthday only missed the actual day of infamy by 1 day and 26 years. But December 8th did turn out to be the day that John Lennon was killed, so we have those two anniversaries right around Micah’s birthday to help us remember when it is. Oh yeah, also, it is 5 days after (or more accurately, 360 days before) my birthday, so that helps to. Just some trivia for you about December 8, 1967. It was a Friday. The top 5 albums of 1967 were Monkees “More of the Monkees”, Monkees “The Monkees”, Soundtrack from Dr. Zhivago, Soundtrack from “The Sound of Music”, and Tempations “The Temptations’ Greatest Hits”. The top grossing films in 1967 were “The Dirty Dozen”, “You only Live Twice”, and “Casino Royale”. And the St. Louis Cardinals won the 1967 World Series over the Boston Red Sox, another fact that I am sure will make Micah quite happy.

The Early Years – Grade School to Junior High
I don’t remember much, but do know that I can always remember knowing Micah. For the years of Kindergarten to 3rd Grade, I lived just a couple of houses away from Micah, until they made the large step of moving next door, which therefore increased the distance I needed to travel by a whole another house. I fondly remember playing multiple sports against Micah and always being surprised that no matter which sport, he could beat me. Tennis at IC courts, basketball in his backyard, or hitting a tennis ball over his house while playing baseball, golf, I am sure the list could go on and on. Also, before the age of video games, I remember playing with baseball cards, playing D&D, and even colossal clay wars in his basement. Somehow Micah managed to be a jock and a nerd at the same time.

Somehow in preparation for the JHS 20 year High School reunion, this picture made its way on to the Internet. I don’t know who to thank, but everyone here at HP got a kick out of this picture that looks to be taken in front of Junior High. I am not sure who number 53 is, or why Micah has both fists clinched, but I do enjoy the photo.

High School – Class of 1986

Nothing much to say here, except wow, good thing I don’t have a yearbook handy to scan in other great photos from the mid 80’s. I’m impressed that we both got our licenses in high school, were rewarded with a boat and a tank to drive, and Micah was able to keep his license throughout High School (unfortunately, I can’t say the same).
University of Illinois – The Rude BrothersNow we enter into the glorious college years at the University of Illinois; Great times, great friends, and some great pictures. Since a picture is worth a thousand words, here are many, many words.

Two Rude Brothers Photos (Steve, Joe, Scott, and Micah) inside Memorial Stadium

Getting ready for some Intramural Basketball.

Mud Volleyball at Phi Beta Kappa

Don't let Micah tell you he didn't live solely on Dominos Pepperoni Pizza during college. Here is proof.

Hoover and Micah seeing me off as I leave Champaign for the last time and head to Texas

Getting ready for Scott's Wedding (Scott, Joe, and Micah)

Big Micah - Little Micah
On January 1st, 1997, my son was born and given the name Micah. In our family, this caused Micah Bandy to be referred to as Big Micah and Micah Saunders to be referred to as Little Micah for the past 10 years. Here is a picture of Big Micah and Little Micah together many Christmas' ago, with two of Big Micah's favorite and Poker chips. Little Micah has followed his namesake's love for Poker chips and luckily not beer. He is a pretty decent Hold 'Em player now.

A day we thought might never come.Since this time, Micah found himself a wonderful wife and is happily married to Amy. They live in Champaign and are the proud parents of Benjamin Bandy. Some thought that Micah being a husband and a daddy might never come, or atleast not come soon, but the wait was certainly worth it. He is blessed with a great wife and beautiful son.
Here is a picture from Micah's Wedding day (Micah, Joe, Steve, and Scott) with again Dominoes and beer.

Happy 40th – Here’s to 40+ more.
I look forward to the NCAA March Madness each year to partake in the biggest, most elaborate excel spreadsheet, NCAA pool that you run. I look forward to seeing you and your family over the Christmas breaks and enjoying some pool ball cookies. I wish you the best 40th birthday and I wish God’s blessings on you and your family. Your Friend - Scott